Our Partners


Burnt Swamp Baptist Association

The Burnt Swamp Baptist Association is a family of churches affiliated with the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Member churches are primarily Native American but growing in their diversity.


Pathfinders Ministries

Serving our Native American brothers through Scripture and construction ministries.


Immokalee First Seminole Baptist Church

Diverse congregation of believers located on the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s Immokalee reservation in Immokalee, Florda. Pastor is Josh LeadingFox


Belvin Baptist Church

Our mission, vision and aim is to proclaim the true and only Hope that is found in Christ Jesus. We believe and teach that there is only one God, one faith and one Savior.



Native American link

The Native American LINK, Inc. is a Baptist ministry designed to help women strengthen family life, preserve cultural identity, and develop personal skills.


Cushing first indian baptist church

Native congregation of believers located in Cushing, Oklahoma. Pastor is Jr. Pratt


Native stone baptist church

An inter-tribal ministry that is affiliated with the Southern Baptist. Our primary focus is the Native population of the greater Tulsa area, but we believe the Gospel is for all mankind and all are welcome. Pastor is Gary Hawkins


To become a partner, please visit our contact us page for more information.